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Create your own Friend Test here
Create your own Friend Test here
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Bianca and Jing Ying
Hsiao Fong
Jing Ying
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Li Hui
Shanxi, Joline and Wei Yan
Tze Yang
Wan Yu
Wei Yan
Zi Han

Make It Mine - Jason Mraz
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not to become widow
un limited supply of candy
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Sunday, November 16, 2008

A. People who have been tagged must write their answer in their blog.
B. Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they are tagged by and cannot tag the person who they were tagged by
.C. Continue this game by sending this to 8 other people:
1. Zi ning
2. Rachelle
3. Rie
4. munns
5. nat
6. Sarah lee
7. priynaka
8. Sharmaine

1. What have you been doing recently?
Broke my leg, so i stayed at home. SAD:(

2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
I sometimes forgot to turn it off, plus i lost my f\phone but found it a few days ago.. haha me ble

3. What happened at 10 am today?

4. When did you last cry?
it's been some time since i cried.. can't really remember...

5. Believe in fate/destiny?

6. What do you want in your life now?
Meet 2 ppl in person, willy wonka, n Danny frm Mcfly..

7. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
If i marry danny... (haha) he can do wateva he wanna do, jus gimme my daily candy n i'll be happy:)

8. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?

9. What was the last movie you caught.
HSM3, n it wasn't that good. OK i guess, but not fantastic.

10. Does the person you like knows that you like him/her?
So far, MCfly hasn't come to s'pore yet, so guess not:(

11. Who always makes you laugh?
Myself... haha, i'm nuts.

12. Do you speak languages other than english?

13. Favourite website(s)?
Youtube. I watch the WHAT THE BUCK SHOW! Dam funny, he makes fun of all the celebs!

14. What are you doing tomorrow?
Nth much...

15. What do you think you are like?
A candy!!! CANDIES RULE!!! hahahahahaha

16. Who will you choose to die with?
Candy. Hey the trip to heaven is long n i may get hungry u noe...

17. Where have you been today?
My hse n e swimming pool.

18. What game do you play often?
Maplestory and occasionally, miniclip and hotel626, as recommended by priynaka. DAM scary!

19. Who are you missing right now?
Some ppl who were in my primary sch wud noe who. It's a painful experience. P.S. Nth to do with BGR. (boy-girl-relationship.) Haha, i'm loyal to MCFLY.

20. If you have to choose between a friend and a lover, who will you choose?
Simple. Lover. Cos a lover can be ure fren but a fren cannot be ure lover. haha smart hey! LOL

21. What are you doing right now?
Doin this quiz...

22. Which primary school were you from?

23. Name three colours you like.
No prefrence, like em all 'cept too much black creeps me out.

24. What emoticon do you like to show?

25. What is life to you?
Depends... if i came frm hell, life's a good holiday. If i came frm heaven, i've been a BAAADDD angel!

26. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
I'll grab some coke n candy, settle down in front of the com and watch the WHAT THE BUCK SHOW or some other funny show like HARD GAY.. it always brightens my day.

27. Who did you last chat with on msn today?
A pen pal frm china. Met her at some club gathering early this yeat. Haha.. bet all u peeps didn't know that i've got a pen pal. P.S. her name's BB, cos her name is like dam long so i jus call her tat.

28. Who do you admire the most?
Ppl who noe how to make the most out of their lives. Thus, i dun admire, straight A students who are too serious with their lives. They have no fun and end up missing out on alot of fun stuff.

29. Which month are you born in?

30. How are you feeling right now?
Bored i guess...

31. What is the time now?
11.36 a.m.

32. Your opinion on the person who tagged you.
Fion's a cuckoo brain person but fun 2 hang with. Nat's one of my good fren. they're both fine i guess:)

33. What colour do you like to dye your hair?
Even if i could, i wudn't bother...

34. Why are you doing this test?
Nat asked me to do it.

35. What do you do when you're moody?
Isn't it kinda the same as Q26?

36. At which stage do you wish to get married?
I already wanna marry MCfly! Hello ppl, pay attention!! Haha

37. Who is closer to you?
My folks? And some good frens..

38. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
Fly to wherever Mcfly is n watch their concert. Provided i dun die b4 i get there... LOL

39. Who is/are the people/person you trust the most?
Me, myself and I.

40. Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
Saw it b4 u noe..

41. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
Dunno, built a castle out of chocolate?

42. What is your goal for this year?
Too many to list.

43. Do you believe in eternity love?
Yea yea wateva... when's this quiz ending?

44. What feeling do you love the most?
Laughing n laughing n laughing...

45. What feeling do you hate the most?
too many to list.

46. Do you really think it's global warming now?
When the hell is this quiz endin! Seriously!!! Oh n duh it's GW now...

47.Do you like doing quizzes?
Quizzes tat r too long are not wat i like.

48. Do you believe in gods?

49. Who cares for you the most?

50. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Family n frens..

51. What will you bring when you fight?
My grandma, cause nobody wud wanna hit me when i got an old lady with me.. haha

52. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
This is a personal question tat i wun answer and a dam long quiz!! HELP!

53. What do you do if nobody cared for you any longer?
There's always someone who wud care. Duns a lose hope ppl:)

54.What will you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
Kick his *ahem* and walk away. Are we done with this quiz yet?

55. How do you feel now?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hi ppl. Broke my leg today morn. Spent my friggin time at the hospital. Now i'm back but my leg wun heal 4 another few weeks. So i wun be able to go out and stuff. Sigh...

So since i am bored to death lying in bed, i am gonna write a poem about my broken leg, since lots of ppl keep asking me how exactly did i fall. So here's it:

Woke up in the morn,
7 am.
Went to eat breakfast,
bread and jam.
Runnning at home,
then trip and fell,
now i broke my knee
and that's not swell.
The pain was intense,
time seemed to go so slow,
mom took one look at me,
then went back to her ellen degeneres show. (just kidding)
Now i am stuck at home for the rest of my hols,
all because of a stupid fall.

Now does that explain everything? Thank u and dun ask again:)

Oh ya and TAG ppl!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This about would be the first time i write such stuff.

Hopefully it is also the last.

Today was crazy. I got pissed off and so did zi ning. Sometimes it's so unbelievable what ppl can do. But i am DEFINITELY NOT going to talk bad bout other ppl. All u ppl noe i wun do that. I jus wanna say that if u ever spread untruths or talk bad about me or other ppl, well, jus pray hard that ure actions wun fire off bad consequences. I'm not gonna deal with u or beat u up, cos i'm kinda small and most ppl can jus flick me off with one finger. but if ure aishu then tat's different. you could jus fart and i'll fly all the way to Uranus.

Lastly, i got nothing to say anymore and i'm tired of complaining so here's a joke. (haha even though in bad mood still can tell joke!!)

Here it is ppl! :

One day a blonde was rowing a canoe in the middle of a field when another blonde passing by yelled at her, " You know, it is dumb blondes like u that are the cause of all these mean blonde jokes!"

The blonde rowing the canoe in the middle of the field was indigant and yelled back, " If i could swim, i would come and kick your butt!"


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yay exam is finally over. Sorry for the late posting:)

So many stuff has happened... this few days post exam activity. I'm taking jap. A little boring but can be quite fun when shaw and ning goes high and start laughing:0 Feel like skipping sch lor. But i can't. Not tomorrow anyways.

Today we had class time. SUUPPPEERRR FUN! Lis kept laughing and laughing and munns kept claiming that she was an undiscovered geinus. Yea right lah... Oh and valen and i had a mini water fight in the toilet. LOL.

Ok... so... b4 i end this, here's a joke tat's dam funny. HAHA...

A man just finished the blood check procedure in a hospital. He was crying as the injection through his arm was very painful. Another man; let's call him Man B was curious and asked him the reason for all these tears. The conversation follows:

Man B: Why are u crying?

Man: I just finished my blood check. They inject my arm and it's painful!

Man B: (stammers) What? Bll...llooooo...ddd check? INjection? On the arm?

Man: Yea. That's right.

(Man B starts to cry as well.)

Man: Why are u crying now?

Man: I am going for a urine test!!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

You know i just realised something. All my post is so happy and funny. I shall trying typing emo stuff, you know, try to act sad. PLEASE POST TO TELL ME IF I HAVE WAT IT TAKES TO BE EMO. Thank you ppl.

Here it goes:

I feel so sad. It is as if the whole world has betrayed me. I feel like i am the only naked mole rat/ weasel/ hamster/ snoopy/ pussy left in the world. I failed all my subjects including P.E. I have no friends and i feel like cutting myself with a rubber scissor.

I dun want to feel like that but deep down i feel like a strangled goldfish without water. A rubber ducky floating aimlessly without a goal in life in a bathtub. A commom leaf in a vast landscape, indiffrent from the rest. A poop in the toliet bowl, unwanted, even from your own rectum.

How can i change myself. I dun want to feel like this but i can't help it. I am EMO, i tell you. EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO.


So what did you think? I think i was pretty deep. I think i can become emo! YAY!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Hello so long have not post. My apologies ppl!

Alot of things have happened. Like yesterday durin Chinese.

Was laughing like MAD. Now MU LAO HU (sharmaine noes who) is nicer.

LAst time she very fierece. Even fiercer than my mom.

Anyway, here's a little preview of this dam funny email!!

Dear Ah Lian
> > Thanks you for your letter. Wrong time no see you. How everything? For
> me, I am quiet find.
> > You say in your letter your taukeh soh want you to chain your look?
> Somemore you must wear kick kok soo, hope you can wok properly.
> > You know, Ah Kau Kia working in a soft where company now. Last week,
> he take I, Muthu & few of his friend to May Nonut to eat barger. After
> that he take we all go to kalah ok.
> Muthu sing and sing no stop until the sky bright.
> > Next week, my father mother going to sellerbread 20 years annie wear sari.
> My father mother going to give a fist to all the kampong people. So
> you must come with your hole family.
> I only hope one day we no need to write and send letter to you and to me.
> Better I e-meow you, you e-meow me. I will ketchup with you soon. And
> when you got time, please few free to call me. Goo bye.....
> > Worm regard,
> Ah Beng


Thursday, June 05, 2008

Some ppl ask me to do this quiz. So here's it.

#1.By what age do you wish to marry?When i'm not old and haggard.
#2.What do you want the most now?Eat all the candy in the world. Wait. I think i'm doin that right now.
#3.Who is the person you trust the most?Willy wonka and his midget factory workers. (Oompa Loompas.) PS they make me feel tall:)
#4.Do you think you have enough confidence?I dunno. Do i?
No#5.If you have a dream to come true, what will it be?When i finally marry mcfly. The WHOLE band. haha:)
#6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?DUH. i saw one before.
#7.What is your goal for this year? Puke on a hobo? Meet Mcfly in person? I think my goal is to have NO goal. Yea... tat's it.
#8.Do you believe in eternity love? Sometimes yes and no. But for MCfly and me, its a yes.
#9.Have you broke someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?Nope. I'm not that important..... This is the part where you ppl say, " Of course ure important enci!!"
#10.What feeling do you love the most? When i'm laughing.
#11. If one day, you realise that the world is going to end, & only you can save the world, what will u do?Sit back and eat corn chips.... Kidding!
#12.What feeling do you hate the most?When someone tell me that candy no longer exsist. You would REALLY BREAK MY HEART AND MAKE ME COMMIT SUICIDE. Haha now all my enemies are happy.
#13.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? YES. Friends are what makes sch life/life more interesting and fun and meaningful.
#14.What do you think is most important in your life? Uh.. CANDY duh...
#15.Who u do u hope to be always there with u?Family?
#16.Who are your best friends? Everyone's a friend, i dun like to dicriminate or dislike. Unless ure aishu. Now tat's a diff story...:)
#17.What will you do if your parents divorce? Threaten them to get back or else i'll move to Peru?
#19.If a genie grant u 3 wishes, what will it be?1. Sch becomes more fun when all the teachers are fired.2. More money,3. CANDY AND MCFLY AND WILLY WONKA!!
#20: PERSONAL QNS: CANDY OR CHOCOLATE?if you have to blow up one which would you blow up? Myself. Life ain't good when there's no candy or chocs. Dun u agree??